Top-Rated Solar Installer in Phoenix, AZ

protect your home, appliances & devices

Whole House Surge Protection


Save yourself thousands of dollars and extend the life of all of your appliances and electronic devices with a whole house surge protector installed into your main electrical panel.

Power surges and fluctuations in voltage happen all the time and they can shorten the life of your expensive appliances. Or worse, the sensitive electronics in your phones, refrigerators, washers, dryers, tv’s and more can be completely fried with a power surge.


Did you know?

  • Many homeowner policies don’t cover lightning strikes
  • Many insurance companies give a discount for homes that have a whole house surge protector
  • The average home gets hit with over 20 energy spikes a day
  • You get up to 30% more life out of your appliances and electronic equipment if you use whole house surge protection
  • A lightning strike up to a mile away can do damage to your sensitive equipment!
"I had a whole house surge protector installed on my home. A storm toppled trees in the area, and one tree landed on the powerlines causing a power surge. My neighbor's electronic equipment (tv, furnace, dishwasher, water softener and more - worth about $10,000) was not protected and damaged, but my electronics were spared. My neighbor spent a lot of money to get his equipment repaired. I paid $0 because all mine was protected! Very grateful that I got one when I did, you never know what tomorrow brings!"
- John S. • Scottsdale, AZ
Not only does Watt Masters install the BEST whole house surge protection in Phoenix, but we believe in surge protection so much that we make it affordable for everybody!!

  • Zero maintenance required – auto resets after ever surge!
  • Lifetime Warranty!
  • Fastest surge response rate available. <5 nanoseconds
  • $25,000 Connected Equipment Warranty.*

*(Details: In the unlikely event that a surge passed through your whole house surge protector, you’ll be reimbursed up to $25,000 for any damaged equipment! Such as A/C, refrigerator, washer, etc.)